
Crazy Draught Festival at Akkurat

When we are talking about beer news I also like to inform you all that the same pub (Akkurat) will have a crazy draught festival starting on wednesday September 19 which is connected to Stockholm Beer Festival.

What they are doing is simply to get some very exclusive draught beers from their cellars. And if you know about Akkurat you can imagine that we can look forward for something very exclusive.

The information so far looks very promising;

1. Chouffe Houblon
2. Sierra Celebration
3. Eylenbosch Kriek & Frambozen ’89
4. Cantillon Vignerone
5. Cantillon St. Lamvinus
6. Mixed vintage collection from Nils Oscar
7. Fullers Vinage Cask 2006
8. Straffe Bink
9. Närke Stormaktsporter (yes, draught!!)
10. Närke Rainbow Warrior
11. North Coast Collaboration Old Rasputin
12. Koff Porter 7,2%

What can we say?, it looks great. Especially Närke Storkmakts Porter on draught, yeeeh.

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