
Happy Swedes in Lyons (Oskar Blues)

Got a nice little picture from our new beer friend "J" over at The Beer Hermit when we had a wonderful time (did not want to leave) over at Oskar Blues in Lyons during the Left Hand Beer Tour (more about that later on).

Thanks J, unfortunately I have not found a picture of you, but at least we had a blast during the days at GABF and thanks for the fun talks we had.

Also noticed that we got mentioned at his blog over here; The Brew Cruise Rocks Boulder County!, look for "Swedes".

Yes I know we sounded a lot (reported as raucous cheers), we normally do that when we are on buses when we get beer to drink during the same time, :-).

1 comment:

Magnus Bark said...

Boy am I jealous or what? Oscar Blues brews some of the best American style beers I have ever had!