
List of beers from the US-beer tour 2006

Well the blogging for the beer tour in 2006 went a bit slow at the end, mostly due to bad internet access at different motels that we passed. But the journey continued and we succeeded in getting to almost 100% of the places we intended to visit. Earlier I posted the pictures of the beer so here comes now the total list of establishments and the great beer we had.


1. Vancouver: Steamworks Brewing Co. (Water St.)

1. Signature Pale Ale
2. Nirvana Nut Brown Ale
3. Empress IPA
4. Heroica Oatmeal Stout
Cascadia Cream Ale

2. Vancouver: YaleTown Brewing Company
5. Yippie IPA
6. Red Truck Ale
7. Rasperry Wheat

3. North Vancouver: Taylors Crossing

8. Indian Arms
9. Red Truck Lager

4. North Vancouver: Sailor Hägars Brewing Company
10. Bengal IPA
11. Lohins ESB
12. Maple Cream Ale
13. Grizzly Nut Brown Ale
14. Hagars Honey Pilsner

5. Vancouver: Granville Brewing Company
15. Maple Cream Ale
16. Island Lager
17. English Bay Pale Ale
18. Robson Street Hefeweizen

6. Vancouver: Dockside Brewing
19. Cartwright Pale Ale

7. Vancouver: DIX Brewing
20. DIX Brewing IPA
21. DIX Irish Stout

8. Seattle: The Pike Brewing Company

22. Pike Pale Ale (heirloom amber)
23. Pike IPA
24. Pike Tandem Double Ale
25. Kiltlifter Ruby Ale
26. Pike Double Stout

9. Seattle: Rock Bottom Brewing Company
27. Hopbomb IPA
28. Peashooter Pale Ale
29. Rain City Red
30. Belgian Triple

10. Seattle: Six Arms
31. Rogue Anniversary IPA
32. Hales ESB
33. Scuttlebutt Hoptopia
34. Mc. Hammerhead Ale

11. Seattle: Gordon Biersch
35. Gordon Biersch Kölsh
36. Dunkles

12. Seattle: Pyramid

37. Thunderhead IPA
38. Draught Pale Ale (DPA)
39. Macs Ale

13. Seattle: Collins Bar
40. Pelican IPA
41. Walking Man IPA

14. Seattle: Virginia Inn
42. Hales Mongoose IPA
43. Mac & Jacks African Amber
44. Fat Tire Amber Ale
45. Maritime Pacific Old Seattle Lager

15. Seattle: Belltown Bistro
46. Mirrorpond Pale Ale
47. Bridgeport IPA
48. Red Hook Ale

16. Seattle: Elysian Brewing Company
49. Immortal IPA
50. Elysian Fields Pale Ale

17. Seattle: Elephant & Castle
51. Lagunitas IPA
52. Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar

18. Snoqualmie: Snoqualmie Brewing Company

53. WildCat IPA
54. Copperhead Pale Ale

19. Ellensburg: Iron Horse Brewery
55. Rodeo Extra Pale Ale
56. Wheat & Rye
57. IPA
58. Brown Ale
59. Loco-Motive Red Ale

20. Sunnyside: Snipes Mountain Microbrewery & res.
60. Sunnyside Pale Ale
61. IPA
62. Coyote Moon Amber Ale
63. Porter

21. Hood River: Full Sail Brewing Company

64. Sunspot IPA
65. IPA
66. Pale Ale
67. Amber
68. Bock

22. Portland: Bones & Brew
69. Siletz Paddle Me IPA
70. Steelhead Hopto Trot Pale
71. Amnesia Dusty Pale
72. New Old Lompoc C-Note
73. Ninkasi Total Domination IPA
74. Caldera Dry Hop Orange
75. Golden Valley Red Thistle Ale

23. Portland: Bridgeport Brewing Company
76. Blue Heron Pale Ale
77. Ropewalk Amber Ale
78. Surpris
79. IPA
80. ESB
81. Porter
82. Black Strap Stout
83. Old Knucklehead Barley Wine

24. Portland: Lucky Labrador Beer Hall
84. Superdog IPA (cask)
85. Organic No Pity Ale
86. Single Hop IPA
87. Bavarian Wheat

25. Portland: The Produce Cafe
88. Great Divide Samurai (rice ale)
89. Dicks Best Bitter
90. Laurelwood Pale Ale
91. Racer 5 IPA

26. Raleigh Hills, Portland: Racoon Lodge & Brew Pub

92. IPA
93. Ring Tale Pale
94. Tropic Ale

27. Forrest Grove: McMenamins Grand Lodge
95. Hammerhead IPA

28. Pacific City: Pelican Pub & Brewery
96. Dorymans Dark Ale
97. Kiwanda Cream Ale
98. Pelican IPA
99. Tsunami Stout
100. Summer Surfers Ale

29. Newport: Rogue Brewery & Public House

101. Rogue I2PA
102. Rauchbier
103. Juniper Pale Ale
104. Chipotle Ale
105. Youngers Special Bitter

30. Eugene: Steelhead Brewing Company
106. Bombay Bomber IPA
107. Raging Rhino

31. Rosenburg: McMenamins Station
108. Vienna (nitro)
109. IPA
110. Porter on nitro
111. ESB
112. Terminator Stout

32. Cave Junction: Wild River Brewing Company

113. IPA

33. Eureka: Lost Cost Brewing Company
114. Lost Coast Pale Ale
115. Alleycat Amber
116. Downtown Brown
117. Indica IPA
118. Tangerine Wheat

34. Eureka: Gallahers Irish Pub
119. Andersson Valley Summer Solstice
120. Mendocino Eye of the Hawk Ale

35. Fort Bragg: North Coast Brewery

121. Acme IPA
122. Acme Pale Ale
123. Red Seal
124. Red Seal (draught cond.)
125. Pranqster

36. Boonville: Andersson Valley Brewing
126. Hopotin IPA
127. Poleeko Gold Pale Ale

37. Hopland: Mendocino Brewing Company
128. White Hawk IPA
129. Red Tale Ale

38. Ukiah: Ukiah Brewing Company
130. Yokayo Gold
131. Sunhouse Amber
132. Orr Springs IPA
133. 10 Guilder
134. Palace Porter
135. O'Bohannans XXX Irish Stout (nitro)

39. Healdsburg: Bear Republic

136. Racer 5 IPA

40. Calistoga: Napa Valley Brewing Company
137. Calistoga Wheat Ale
138. Pale Ale

41. Santa Rosa: Russian River Brewing Company
139. Blind Pig IPA
140. Parking Violation Pale Ale
141. Russian River IPA
142. Pliny the Elder
143. Little White Lie
144. Redemption
145. Perdition
146. Damnation

42. Petaluma: Dempsey's
147. Petaluma Pale Ale
148. Petaluma Strong Ale
149. Red Rooster Ale
150. Ugly Dog Stout

43. Petaluma: Finbar Devines
151. Lagunitas IPA

44. Berkley: Jupiter

152. Jupiter IPA
153. Jupiter Hefeweizen
154. Jupiter Pale Ale

45. Oakland: Pacific Coast Brewing Company
155. Old Oak
156. Yellow Yackett
157. Gray Whale
158. Leviathan Imperial Stout
159. Killer Whale Stout
160. Special 2 Ale (not known)
161. Code Blue

46. Pleasanton: The Hopyard
162. Stone Arrogant Bastard
163. Big Sky IPA
164. Blind Pig IPA
165. Hoptown IPA (nitro)

47. San Francisco: San Fran Brewing Company
166. Shanghaipa
167. SF Pale Ale

48. San Francisco: Rogue Ale House

168. Dead Guy Ale
169. Shakespeare Stout
170. No fault ale
171. Brutal Bitter
172. Mocha Porter
173. Dry Hop Red

49. San Francisco: Toronado
174. Speakeasy Big Daddy IPA
175. Moonlight Bombay by boat IPA
176. Firestone Walker Nectar IPA
177. Santa Barbara IPA
178. Iron Springs Casey Jones Double IPA
179. Russian River Blind Pig

50. San Francisco: Magnolia Pub & Brewery
180. Prescription Pale
181. Spudsboy IPA
182. Blue Bell Bitter (cask)
183. Dark Star Mild

51. San Francisco: Thirsty Beer Brewing Company
184. Kozlov Stout
185. Howard Street IPA
186. Seasonal Pale Ale

52. San Francisco: 21 amendment
187. Russian River Blind Pig
188. Amendment Pale Ale
189. General Pippers Porter

53. San Francisco: The City Beer Store & Tasting Bar

190. Drakes IPA
191. Lagunitas Red Ale
192. Lagunitas Freak Out Ale
193. Stone IPA
194. Hair of a dog Fred
195. Drakes Porter (draught)
196. Deuchettes Inversion IPA


That means a total of:

1. 53 pubs or brewpubs being visited
2. 196 beers being tasted


Beer: Rating:
Signature Pale Ale 3
Nirvana Nut Brown Ale 2(+)
Empress IPA 2(+)
Heroica Oatmeal Stout 3(-)
Cascadia Cream Ale 3(-)
Yippie IPA 3(+)
Red Truck Ale 3
Rasperry Wheat 2
Indian Arms 3
Red Truck Lager 3
Bengal IPA 4
Lohins ESB 3(+)
Maple Cream Ale 1(+)
Grizzly Nut Brown Ale 3(+)
Hagars Honey Pilsner 2(+)
Maple Cream Ale 2(+)
Island Lager 1(+)
English Bay Pale Ale 2(-)
Robson Street Hefeweizen2(+)
Cartwright Pale Ale 2(+)
DIX Brewing IPA 3(+)
DIX Irish Stout 3
Pike Pale Ale (heirloom amber) 4
Pike IPA 3(+)
Pike Tandem Double Ale 4
Kiltlifter Ruby Ale 4(-)
Pike Double Stout 3(+)
Hopbomb IPA 4(+)
Peashooter Pale Ale 5(-)
Rain City Red 3(+)
Belgian Triple 3(+)
Rogue Anniversary IPA 4
Hales ESB 4
Scuttlebutt Hoptopia 3(+)
Mc. Hammerhead Ale 3
Gordon Biersch Kölsh 4
Dunkles 3(+)
Thunderhead IPA 4
Draught Pale Ale (DPA) 4
Macs Ale 3(+)
Pelican IPA 4(+)
Walking Man IPA 4(+)
Hales Mongoose IPA 4(-)
Mac & Jacks African Amber 3
Fat Tire Amber Ale 2
Maritime Pacific Old Seattle Lager 2
Mirrorpond Pale Ale 3(+)
Bridgeport IPA 4(-)
Red Hook Ale 3(+)
Immortal IPA 4(-)
Elysian Fields Pale Ale 3(+)
Lagunitas IPA 4
Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar 4(-)
WildCat IPA 3(+)
Copperhead Pale Ale 4(-)
Rodeo Extra Pale Ale 4
Wheat & Rye 3(+)
Brown Ale 3(+)
Loco-Motive Red Ale 3(+)
Sunnyside Pale Ale 3(+)
IPA 4(+)
Coyote Moon Amber Ale 3(+)
Porter 4
Sunspot IPA 4(+)
IPA 3(+)
Pale Ale 3
Amber 3
Bock 3
Siletz Paddle Me IPA 4
Steelhead Hopto Trot Pale 3
Amnesia Dusty Pale 4(+)
New Old Lompoc C-Note 4
Ninkasi Total Domination IPA 4
Caldera Dry Hop Orange
Golden Valley Red Thistle Ale
Blue Heron Pale Ale 3
Ropewalk Amber Ale 4(-)
Surpris 3(+)
IPA 4(-)
Porter 3(+)
Black Strap Stout 4
Old Knucklehead Barley Wine 4(-)
Superdog IPA (cask) 4(+)
Organic No Pity Ale 4(+)
Single Hop IPA 4(+)
Bavarian Wheat 3(+)
Great Divide Samurai (rice ale) 4
Dicks Best Bitter 3(+)
Laurelwood Pale Ale 3(+)
Racer 5 IPA 4
IPA 3(+)
Ring Tale Pale 3
Tropic Ale n/a (not a beer)
Hammerhead IPA
Dorymans Dark Ale 4
Kiwanda Cream Ale 4
Pelican IPA 5
Tsunami Stout 4(+)
Summer Surfers Ale 4(+)
Rogue I2PA 4(+)
Rauchbier 4
Juniper Pale Ale 4
Chipotle Ale 4(-)
Youngers Special Bitter 3(+)
Bombay Bomber IPA 4(-)
Raging Rhino 3(+)
Vienna (nitro) 3
Porter on nitro 3(+)
ESB 3(-)
Terminator Stout 3(+)
IPA 4(+)
Lost Coast Pale Ale 4(-)
Alleycat Amber 3(+)
Downtown Brown 3(+)
Indica IPA 4(+)
Tangerine Wheat n/a (not a beer)
Andersson Valley Summer Solstice 4
Mendocino Eye of the Hawk Ale 4
Acme IPA 4
Acme Pale Ale 4(+)
Red Seal 4
Red Seal (draught cond.)4(+)
Pranqster 4(-)
Hopotin IPA 5(-)
Poleeko Gold Pale Ale 4(+)
White Hawk IPA 4(-)
Red Tale Ale 4(-)
Yokayo Gold 4(+)
Sunhouse Amber 4(-)
Orr Springs IPA 4
10 Guilder 3(+)
Palace Porter 3
O'Bohannans XXX Irish Stout (nitro) 2(-)
Racer 5 IPA 4(+)
Calistoga Wheat Ale 3(-)
Pale Ale 3(-)
Blind Pig IPA 4(+)
Parking Violation Pale Ale 4
Russian River IPA 4(+)
Pliny the Elder 5
Little White Lie 4
Redemption 4(+)
Perdition 4
Damnation 4(-)
Petaluma Pale Ale 3(+)
Petaluma Strong Ale 4(-)
Red Rooster Ale 3(+)
Ugly Dog Stout 3(-)
Lagunitas IPA 4
Jupiter IPA 4
Jupiter Hefeweizen 4(-)
Jupiter Pale Ale 4(-)
Old Oak 3(+)
Yellow Yackett 3(+)
Gray Whale 3(+)
Leviathan Imperial Stout3(-)
Killer Whale Stout 4(-)
Special 2 Ale (not known)3(-)
Code Blue 3(+)
Stone Arrogant Bastard 4(+)
Big Sky IPA 4(+)
Blind Pig IPA 5
Hoptown IPA (nitro) 4
Shanghaipa 3(+)
SF Pale Ale 3
Dead Guy Ale 4
Shakespeare Stout 4(+)
No fault ale 4(+)
Brutal Bitter 4
Mocha Porter 4(+)
Dry Hop Red 4(-)
Speakeasy Big Daddy IPA 4(+)
Moonlight Bombay by boat IPA 4(+)
Firestone Walker Nectar IPA 5(-)
Santa Barbara IPA 4(-)
Iron Springs Casey Jones Double IPA 4(+)
Russian River Blind Pig 5(-)
Prescription Pale 4(-)
Spudsboy IPA 4(-)
Blue Bell Bitter (cask) 4(-)
Dark Star Mild 4
Kozlov Stout 3(+)
Howard Street IPA 3(+)
Seasonal Pale Ale 3
Russian River Blind Pig 4(+)
Amendment Pale Ale 3(+)
General Pippers Porter 3
Drakes IPA
Lagunitas Red Ale
Lagunitas Freak Out Ale
Stone IPA
Hair of a dog Fred
Drakes Porter (draught)
Deuchettes Inversion IPA


1. Pelican IPA 5
2. Pliny the Elder 5
3. Blind Pig IPA 5
4. Firestone Walker Nectar IPA 5(-)
5. Peashooter Pale Ale 5(-)
6. Hopotin IPA 5(-)

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