
Vacation and a Double Bastard on the terrace

It just feels great that the vacation is still going on, and what about celebrating that with some beer drinking from the personal “cellar”.


Some “serious” blogging together with opening up the last Stone Double Bastard Ale edt. 2007 was a great idea.

As it seems the summer weather has decided to stay in Stockholm it was time to hit the terrace (you never know when you get the next opportunity) and spend time with a arrogant bastard.

Sow how about the beer?, it was excellent and had survived the cellaring since 07 (expiration date was set to march 2010) with pride. It had of course lost it pure freshness (that you can not get anyway here due to transport over the ocean) but instead matured well with a very sweet start, but then a strong warm and bitter after-taste. It is getting a bit “bready” but is still very alive and as it should be; arrogant, simply a great bear to share with a close friend (especially when you think about the 10% ABV).

Now when all the bottles have been emptied I really hope we can see some more of them at “systembolaget” in a near future, please.


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